Fruit-Animal Hybrid

This was my fruit-animal hybrid project. I wanted to use a barn owl and make it look like there was a cut apple as the face. The strongest technical aspect of my work would probably be the inside of the apple and the edges of the face because the darker feathers makes it look as if the apple is rotting. I think I could've improved on blending the owl into the apple, every time I tried to blend, it would have awkward lines that didn't belong. The easiest part of this art activity would be the placement and cut out of the apple onto the face. The difficult part of this art activity would probably be trying to blend the two pictures together. It was difficult to make the apple look as if it were a part of the owl without messing up the picture entirely. I feel like I could've done better if I had more time to work on this. The objective of this art activity was to try to make it look like the fruit and the animal were actually together, not ...