Cereal Box

This project was our cereal box, we had to create our own cereal. I picked Stranger Pebbles because I like the show Stranger Things. The strongest technical aspect of my work would probably be the front of the box because in bowl of cereal, I added the string lights, I cut out a cartoon version of the characters from the show, and added different effects to it. The technical aspect of my work that could’ve been improved on would be the sides of the box because I feel like I could’ve added more things to fill in the empty spaces. The easiest part of this art activity would probably be the sides, top, and bottom of the box because I just had to find labels online and paste them onto the box. The front and back of the box took a little more time to come up with what cereal I wanted and how I wanted it to look and fit together. This project wasn’t too difficult just a little time consuming of trying to fit everything together and make it look like a rea...