Movie Project

This project was our movie project and I decided to to Alice in Wonderland. The strongest technical aspect of my work was probably the cover because I picked a new background and cut out a few of the characters from the movie and placed them on. I think my title came out really well because I warped it a little bit to make it look like the actual title. I could've improved on the back cover because I didn't know what to put on the bottom of the cover. The easiest part of this activity was the cover because I got inspiration from the original cover and made it my own way. The difficult part of this art activity would be cutting out the characters on the front cover. It was difficult because the in some dark areas it was hard to see where the picture ended. The objective of this art activity was to pick a movie and create a new cover for it and change it in our own way. I made sure to pick a new background, make my own title, and cut out ea...